Mar 31, 2022 | Good financial advice, News
Today begins our column of good financial advice, small and simple tips to better manage your money. The first and most important tip to start with is to begin managing your money by making a note, in black and white, of your monthly income and expenditures. A good...
Feb 4, 2021 | Gambling, News
“There was a significant decrease in gambling, both land-based and online, during the lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic restrictions, but there was a spike just after the relaxation of regulations, especially online gambling.” These are the first...
Feb 1, 2021 | Gambling, News
Last January 28, the report “Policies to prevent and combat pathological gambling in Piedmont. The evolution of the phenomenon, the implementation of Regional Law no. 9/2016 and the activities of the plan” of the Piedmont Region. The project was...
Jan 27, 2021 | News, Wear
Photo: “Thereis no more time: mafia money is eroding the healthy economic fabric of the country This alarm is not hyperbole; the crisis generated by the pandemic is crumbling, with the same silent bites of rust on iron, the backbone of the Italian...