Today begins our column of good financial advice, small and simple tips to better manage your money.

The first and most important tip to start with is to begin managing your money by making a note, in black and white, of your monthly income and expenditures.

A good habit to have is, therefore, to create a financial diary to keep track of expenses at all times, so all payments such as taxes, bills or installments, but it will be useful to review investments and assets in general.

There are several ways to do this:

– You can use a regular diary where you mark monthly income and expenses so that you always have an eye on your expenses compared to what you have earned over the month and compared to the total.
If you want a tool designed specifically for spending, we recommend the
. This is the home account planner to save money and manage your expenses without stress.

– If, on the other hand, you want to have your financial situation with you at all times and do not want to use pen and paper, you can rely on a mobile app for expense management. There are several and with different functions.

Here we recommend one that we think has all the necessary tools. It is called
and is available for iOS and Android.


We deal with over-indebtedness prevention related to usury risk every day throughlistening, counseling and support. We are approached by employees and retirees who are in a situation of imbalance between income and expenses and cannot pay their debts.

In the video we show you the steps to follow to receive free support.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, please contact us!

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