Investing is an ageless process that can accompany us throughout our lives. You should know, however, that this is not a game and that every decision we make can have positive or negative implications. Meanwhile, it is important to know that one invests for income (e.g., coupons, dividends, rent) or to generate wealth.

However, when you monetize your assets you may have a gain (capital gain or capital gain) or a loss (capital loss). Anyone can have money that can be set aside for financial investments, and it is, therefore, important to be familiar with certain concepts.

In this regard, it is not certain that investments made during the year are still valid in the future; situations change and so do earnings. That is why it is always good to check with fixed deadlines the situation of the investment portfolio, to avoid continuing to invest resources in something that no longer pays off.

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Good financial advice #21 | If you can buy it twice you can afford it

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