On April 27, 2021 at 8:30 p.m., live on the Facebook page
Adventum Foundation
, the cast of the play “Nothing for Nothing. Stories Suspended Between Over-indebtedness and Usury,” get together with Franco Evangelisti, president of Adventum Foundation, to talk about the play and the issues it deals with.

Nothing for Nothing” is a theatrical journey and a lively reflection on a burning topical issue, which historically comes from afar and today takes on increasingly pervasive and insidious characteristics and modes.

Through the emblematic stories of characters, drawn from the reality of testimonies and investigations, an emotional and compelling journey unfolds that engages and makes people think, as well as being a guide to conscious money management. A pulsing warning to be alert to the trap of
, which takes advantage of the emotional and psychological vulnerability of people in distress, but also a push for courage to seek help from institutions when the problem becomes insurmountable and dangerous.

The project was sponsored by the Adventum Foundation and theAnti-Wear Outpatient Clinic and funded by the
8xmille of the Adventist Christian Church.

The first performance was April 27, 2015 at the Sala Umberto in Rome.

Subsequently, junior high schools were involved with staging in the auditoriums and theaters of those schools. A tour of Roman schools has also started with 10 performances.

The show, written by Francesco Randazzo and directed by Giusi Cataldo. The cast includes Giusi Cataldo, Alessio Di Clemente, Francesco Meoni and Rosanna Veracierta.

Wear and pandemic

During the lockdown but more generally in this period when the virus is throttling society and the economy, usury is the only crime that is increasing exponentially. So many merchants and families suffering serious hardship, the moment they find the doors of banks closed, are forced to open their own, of doors, to moneylenders. And crooks are quick, with as much as 50 percent interest, to seize the remaining assets, lives and dignity of people.

Difficult economic circumstances and the lack of a culture on the responsible use of money have led to an exponential growth of the phenomenon across the country. Falling into the hands of moneylenders more and more often are artisans, traders, entrepreneurs, and family units for a problem that is little talked about and on which the spotlight is turned only when the crime news deals with it, for murders, suicides or violence against the victims.

Education in the responsible use of money is a significant first goal to be pursued with specific awareness and literacy activities, promoting a social consciousness that helps understand the causes of the problem and curb it. Starting with the younger generation.

Facebook live with the full cast.

We will return to these issues on the sixth anniversary of the show’s debut.

The appointment is for Tuesday, April 27 at 8:30 p.m., live on the Facebook page
Adventum Foundation
and on the national circuit of
(Fm and Streaming), with director and actress Giusi Cataldo and the full cast: Alessio Di Clemente, Francesco Meoni and Rosanna Veracierta.
