On Friday, November 19, in Rome , at the Tirreno Hall of the Lazio Region (via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi, 7), at 10:30 a.m., the presentation of If This is a Game , an experimental project implemented by Adventum Foundation and Avviso Pubblico, thanks to funds from the Eight per thousand of the Adventist Church , through the web portal www.sequestoeungioco.org .

The project “If this is a game”, aims to Intercept online gambler and at-risk individuals, inviting them on a path of awareness raising and dialogue through social media in order to Provide concrete help to both them and his family members, with a support chat service and with the direct link to SerDs territorial reference.

The aim of the project is also to inform and deepen the topic of gambling and its related issues for the benefit of the media and relevant stakeholders, to configure itself as an awareness portal in which experts and stakeholders can intervene.

During the presentation, speakers will include:

  • Roberto Montà, President of Avviso Pubblico;
  • Franco Evangelisti, president of Adventum Foundation;
  • Adele Minutillo, National Center for Addiction and Doping – Istituto Superiore di Sanità;
  • Don Armando Zappolini, spokesman for the Mettiamoci in gioco campaign;
  • Senator Giovanni Endrizzi, vice-chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Illegal Gaming and the Dysfunction of Public Gaming.

Giulia Migneco, press and communications officer of Avviso Pubblico, will moderate the meeting.

The presentation will take place, in-person and live streamed on the social channels of Adventum Foundation(Facebook page) and Public Notice(Facebook page and YouTube channel) and on the Facebook pages of If This is a Game e Eight Per Thousand Adventists.

A partner in the project is Avviso Pubblico, the association founded in 1996 that has, to date, nearly 500 member local authorities and 11 regions and is concretely committed to promoting the culture of legality and responsible citizenship.
