Have you already requested our PRACTICAL PAPERBOOK for income and expenditure management? We thought of it as an aid and a stimulus to a very useful habit: keeping a grip on managing your money. In the QUADERNO you can write down each month your income and that of your family members, any income, and then in the right-hand columns faithfully note how you have, or have, managed them.

There will be outgoings that you definitely can’t choose whether to pay them or not, such as mortgage or financing payments, electricity and gas bills–and then there are food expenses, phone refills, other small necessities. You’ll notice that maybe you have a modicum of control here; there will be a few months when you realize you’ve spent more, maybe you’ve done a double phone recharge because your credit had run out without realizing it, or you’ve bought items that sit there unused for quite a while…

Once you have filled them out, look at your monthlies with detachment, be critical. Imagine you are an entrepreneur who is monitoring the performance of your company to see where to intervene, where to correct. Where to use your decision-making skills authoritatively. After all, your family, your self, is also a business, and in order to function well you must first be aware of where you can improve it. Buy each good by thinking about it first, think about what you really need, what you will only need later, make your choices.

Add to this account keeping one more factor: manage future expenses. Do the calculation of how much you spend per year on car insurance and stamp duty, divide by 12, and put that monthly amount in a piggy bank or wallet. You’ll find that just the thought of setting aside €60 or €80 or €120 each month to find yourself when your policy and tax stamps expire with money already in hand makes you feel more confident, and also in a positive mood. And you will probably feel like asking for quotes later on to lower the cost of your policy.

Keep in mind also those little €1 or €2 expenses that added up in a month constitute larger items than we expect: breakfasts out, coffee, newspaper… That monthly amount is to be expected, especially if you are managing several installments, or back taxes, or if you have future plans.

Become fully in control of your money. Request the QUADERN, or if you reside in one of the cities of the campaign tour stops ONLY IF YOU CAN you can receive it from our guys. An extra little habit that also improves your relationship with yourself and your family.
