Listen to the testimonies of people who have turned to us for debt reorganization.

Know the stories of those who ask for help to get their lives back on their feet. These people have found the Adventum Foundation a home.

What is the Adventum Foundation?

The Adventum Onlus Foundation was established in 1995 by the Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Churches to respond to situations of over-indebtedness related to usury risk. Adventum collaborates with institutions and the association world.

Our main activities

Usury prevention

Financial education


Adventum works in usury prevention and promotes a culture of legality, working alongside individuals and families who are applicants to help them overcome financial difficulties by examining the real conditions and related solution prospects to rebalance the family budget and encourage responsible use of money.

History of the Foundation

  • It was established in 1995, in the wake of tragic and repeated news stories about the scourge of usury, at the behest of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church, thanks to the8xmille funds allocated to it by taxpayers, with the aim of preventing usury and spreading the culture of legality.
  • It was appointed as a non-profit organization by the Ministry of the Interior and then registered on the Ministry of Economy and Finance‘s list of anti-usury foundations and associations, pursuant to Law 108/96 (usury law).
  • He participated in the establishment of theOnlus Anti-Use Outpatient Clinic in 1996 to offer free professional counseling to victims of usury.
  • Collaborates with the Lazio Region, first under L. R. 23/2001 then L.R. 14/2015, to assist over-indebted families.
  • It is registered on the prefectural list of associations and organizations providing assistance and solidarity to individuals harmed by extortion and usury.

What is the game? The step-by-step path that lets you experience the excitement of free play

On Sunday, Sept. 17 in Rome's Piazza della Balduina, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., kicks off a new step-by-step trail raising awareness of the issues of financial education and gambling, sponsored by the Adventum Foundation entitled "What is the game? Game education...


More than 18 million Italians entrust €111.7 billion each year to gambling. There are those who bet their money online, sitting on their couch at home, and those who go to a betting shop. A stratospheric figure that continues to grow. It is the so-called "covid...

#25 | Be conscious of what you spend

Payment awareness is critical. Very often you buy a lot of things using installments or financing, so you have to be aware of what you are paying month after month.

Good financial advice #24 | Learn to say no

Have you ever found yourself self-imposed a spending limit beyond which not to go, so you can manage to save money at the end of the month? It is certainly not easy to make all the accounts add up.

Perhaps it may help to start using a magic word: no.

Good financial advice #23 | Buy without credit cards

The credit card has the virtue of making people pay for things in a deferred manner, but so it is not possible to have full control over purchases and thus monthly or weekly outgoings. If you want to be in control of your spending at all times, make payments and purchases with your debit card.

Good financial advice #22 | Watch less TV

Television is definitely a source of shopping inspiration, advertising unfortunately stimulates and ignites cravings and needs and pushes us to buy perhaps unnecessary items.

Good financial advice #21 | If you can buy it twice you can afford it

Shopping is an activity that has become easier and more fun over the years. Shopping, online or offline, has never been easier. This over-simplification of the purchasing process, however, hides some dangers that may lead us to not think through the purchase and thus overrun our budget. Here are some simple but useful tips to avoid crazy purchases.

Good financial advice #20 | Read a financial book every year

Reading to be more informed and to understand what strategies to adopt in managing personal finance and what mistakes not to make is the first step in increasing our knowledge.

Good financial advice #19 | If you have to borrow you can’t afford it

Had it ever occurred to you that if you have to borrow money then it means you cannot afford to make that purchase. Learn to manage the budget you have, without having to take out loans–because it might say you can’t afford it.

Webinar – EconoMIA: mind your own business – October Edufin 2022

Follow the meetings on Facebook and YouTube, Oct. 4-25. 4 webinars on financial topics, aiming to provide tools and skills to deal with and manage family finances in a healthy and aware way, to prevent and combat usury and over-indebtedness.

Find out about other associations in the country that cooperate with the Department of Treasury, pursuant to Article 15 of Law 108/96, through the

Adventum Foundation prevents usury risk by supporting people in economic distress.

Deciding to fight usury with us is simple, through8xmille.

Together, we can continue to educate about legality, promote training paths for young people useful in preventing over-indebtedness, and offer a concrete financial solution to those in difficulty.