Through its own resources and those of the ministerial fund, the Adventum Foundation, in its more than two decades of operation, has helped about 2,000 families out of situations of severe hardship due to over-indebtedness.

Deciding to fight usury together with us is simple, through the allocation of 5xmille and8xmille to the Adventist Church.

Together, we can continue to educate about legality, promote training paths for young people useful in preventing over-indebtedness, and offer a concrete financial solution to those in difficulty.

Your 5xmille to ADVENTUM Onlus Foundation for projects aimed at the responsible use of money.

Through your 5xmille to the ADVENTUM Onlus Foundation you contribute to projects aimed at education and the responsible use of money, to promote a social conscience that helps understand the causes of the usury problem and curb it. Donating 5xmille costs nothing to the taxpayer! It is a share of taxes that the state gives up to allocate to nonprofit organizations.

On your next tax return, sign for the ADVENTUM Onlus Foundation and write our tax ID number:

Your 8xmille to the ADVENTUM Onlus Foundation to educate children in a culture of legality to fight usury and combat gambling.

If you choose to give your 8xmille of IRPEF to the Adventist Christian Church , you will be able to support projects aimed at educating high school youth about the responsible use of money.

The state allocates an amount equal to 8xmille of IRPEF each year and allocates it to funding religious denominations and the state. Taxpayers can choose who they “vote” for by signing in the appropriate box on their tax return. Recipients will receive in proportion to the “votes” received.

Sign in the box

in the appropriate box named

Choice for the destination of the eight per thousand of Irpef



The destination choices of8xmille and 5xmille of IRPEF are in no way alternative to each other; therefore, both can be expressed.

ADVENTUM Onlus Foundation is an organization related to Adventist Social Works. The tax code shown is from the non-profit organization Opera Sociale Avventista, which has always worked to support activities of a social nature in Italy.

Why support us?

Financial education

By choosing to support the Adventum Foundation, you can take advantage of tax breaks. Adventum Foundation is a NPO (Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility), so donations made to us, from individuals and companies, can enjoy tax benefits. In order to take advantage of the benefits, it is important to keep the receipt of the payment made.

Individuals and enterprises

Donations made to O.n.l.u.s. may be deducted at the rate of 26 percent, up to a maximum of 30,000 euros or deducted in an amount not exceeding 10 percent of total income, up to a maximum of 70,000 euros annually.

Donation by wire transfer

IBAN: IT53P0301503200000004210390
BIC Receiving bank (swift): UNCRITMM
Made out to: Adventum Onlus Foundation
Cause: Liberal Donation

Donation by postal bulletin

C/C no. 91852004
Made out to: Adventum Onlus Foundation
Cause: Liberal Donation