Nothing for neinte

Stories suspended between over-indebtedness and usury.

🗓️ April 27, 2015 . 📍 Sala Umberto – Rome

🗓️ April 27, 2015
📍 Sala Umberto – Rome

Project sponsored by Adventum Foundation andAnti-Wear Outpatient Clinic and funded by8xmille of the Adventist Christian Church.

The “Nothing for Nothing” theater project

“Nothing for Nothing. Stories Suspended Between Over-indebtedness and Usury” is a theatrical journey and a lively reflection on a burning topical issue that historically comes from afar and today takes on increasingly pervasive and insidious characteristics and modalities. Through the emblematic stories of characters drawn from the reality of testimonies and investigations, an emotional and compelling journey unfolds that engages and makes one think, but which, above all, we hope, will be an example and guide for conscious money management, a pulsating warning to be alert to the trap of usury, which takes advantage of the emotional and psychological vulnerability of people in difficulty, but also a boost to the courage to seek help from institutions when the problem becomes insurmountable and dangerous. Indeed, the difficult economic contingency and the lack of a culture on the responsible use of money have led to an exponential growth of the phenomenon throughout the country. Falling into the hands of moneylenders more and more often are artisans, traders, entrepreneurs, and family units for a problem that is little talked about and on which the spotlight is turned only when the crime news deals with it, for murders, suicides or violence against the victims. Education in the responsible use of money is, therefore, a significant first goal to be pursued with specific awareness and literacy activities, promoting a social consciousness that helps to understand the causes of the problem and curb it. Starting with the younger generation. This is precisely why the play and its writing are for an audience of young people, the first to need to understand the magnitude and severity of the phenomenon. In this, the role of the Ministry of Education, Principals and Professors is crucial for the involvement of students, and the theatrical text must be a moment in a broader journey made up of meetings, debates, classroom themes, and in-depth studies in classrooms and schools.

The first

The first performance was on April 27, 2015 at the Sala Umberto in Rome, intended for a national institutional audience and local administrators, politicians, judiciary, representatives of associations, categories and unions, media and journalists, and all those who wanted to attend the premiere of this important event. Subsequently, junior high schools were involved by staging the play in the auditoriums or theaters of those schools. A tour of Roman schools has also started with 10 performances of the show.


“I am writing to you immediately after this morning’s play to inform you of our pupils’ high appreciation of the play “Nothing for Nothing,” which managed to hold both the “little ones” of the two-year school year (who were few in number because their classmates are on an educational trip) and the “big ones” who appreciated the explicit language of the 4 main characters (especially Francesco Meoni’s constant cell phone calls), the engaging plot and the overabundant set design. Personally, I was struck by the mix of mass media (TV screens), quotes from classic authors, and direct and touching testimonies from victims of usury who managed to come out on top. It was a life lesson for our pupils, making them aware of the harsh reality of usury, which, through “friends of friends” who are always willing to help those in financial difficulty, leads only to despair and contempt for these unscrupulous people. We thank you all for the opportunity you have been willing to reserve for our Institute, (…)“.

Prof. Lilia Elvira Iona – I.I.S. “ENZO FERRARI” – ITC “Giovanni da Verrazzano”- Rome


“This is to sincerely thank you for allowing our Third Grade students to attend the play “Nothing for Nothing” last May 21. For some of them-the pupils of 3 B-this represented the conclusion of an important journey that began in 2013.For all of them it was a reason for discussion and deepening of an issue that is very current but of which perhaps not everyone is yet fully aware. The teachers also expressed to me their considerable appreciation of the subject and the actors, who I was told were extremely engaging. (…)”.

Prof. Alfi Tesciuba – Deputy Collaborator of the School Headmaster -Middle School A. Priests.